Enough Theory; Now Show Me the Money – and the Love
Proven Social Media, Social Network Tactics to Enrich Your Business, Nonprofit and Yourself
Build a Social Media Community
Bert DuMars is Vice President E-Business and Interactive Marketing for Newell Rubbermaid, and a web technology, interactive marketing, and social media ecosystem explorer. He innovates strategies that bring people together. Bert will lead a session on building social media communities, and share how a community focused on people who use Sharpies turned a marking pen into one of the biggest brands in the world.
Job hunting? Use Social Media to Generate Buzz and Land Your Next Opportunity
Jenny DeVaughn, CEO of Social Precision, will highlight how to use social media tools like Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook to enhance your professional brand. She will show you how to find decision makers, using social media to create genuine interest. This session is a must for those in transition or actively searching for their next big career move.
Delivering Content Through Social Media – What works best for your message
Brands are developing quality content everyday – the key is how to deliver this already existing content to relevant audiences through social media. Social media tools are not only ideal for building relationships and starting a conversation, they can prove useful business applications, giving companies the ability to make existing content more sharable and thus more visible. Learn how to deliver branded content across various social platforms including: Blogs, Microblogs, Video and Photo Sharing Sites and through Presentation Sharing sites. Kristin Parrish of Ogilvy Public Relations will share best practices for owned content distribution and optimization, learning from real-life case studies.
Idea to Marketplace - How to Turn Your Web 2.0 Idea into a Business
You have an idea for an online product. But you don’t know how to get the product launched, you can’t stop tweaking it, you need resources, and you’re afraid of failing. Selah Abrams of Turner Studios, and David Eckoff, co-founder of Spitter.com, will focus on how to get from the drawing board to project launch. You’ll learn a practical set of actions you can follow right now, in a highly interactive session.
Using Social Media to Transform Storytelling and Extend Messaging
Even in the age of social media, PR is still primarily about storytelling and messaging. But where there once was a single messenger with a controlled set of talking points, modern social media storytelling is nonlinear, operates independently of news cycles, uses multiple authors and resides on a variety of platforms. Veteran communications executive and PR+MKTG Camp organizer Dan Greenfield will explore changes in traditional storytelling and ways to take advantage of them. We will look at social press releases, Twitter, blogs and other storytelling tools to advance your message.
Turn your company into a content machine
Build better connections with your target audience using social media strategies, online communications, and web content production. James Andrews, managing partner at Everywhere, and blogger at www.thekeyinfluencer.com will show you how to use video, live streams and podcasting to boost your brand and expand your profile. He’ll share case studies from his own clients, including some of the biggest names in business and entertainment.
Create Your Social Media Policy Now
This is a great session for Human Resources (HR), Marketing and PR/Communications professionals who need to create social media guidelines for their employees. Jenny DeVaughn, founder of Social Precision, will share tips and real-world examples of social media policies. She will also give ideas on how to generate an internal business case for a social media policy to ensure that your company minimizes any risk from employee use of social media platforms like Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook.
Real Time Crisis Communications, media outreach and Twitter tools that work
Grayson Daughters, founder of WaySouth Media, shares how to Twitter for public relations in breaking news situations. Crisis and chaos can hit any business at any time. How you manage your communications with the media and the public is critical. Many organizations are turning to Twitter. The Red Cross is Tweeting during national disasters, the U.S. Army used Twitter during the Fort Hood massacre. Hear which Twitter tools work best, and share your favorites.
How to use Mobile Applications to extend your brand
Jeff Haynie, CEO and co-founder of Appcelerator, reveals how companies are taking advantage of the “native” capabilities of mobile devices – things like contacts, location, and the camera – to leverage their brand. Imagine walking into a Starbucks, and looking at a map on your iPhone to see which of your Facebook, MySpace, or LinkedIn friends are within a mile of the store. Then you send a text to the closest friend and ask if they want to meet for coffee, and you commemorate the meeting by Tweeting a photo of the two of you sitting in those cushy chairs. That’s the power of the mobile app.
Social Media Business Plans and Revenue Models
Sherry Heyl is founder and CEO of Concept Hub, where she helps companies create a roadmap for profit. Learn to survey the social media landscape to identify clients’ needs, and develop marketing plans that meet those needs. See how an in depth competitive SWOT analysis can help your business stake out a profitable space. Leverage online tools and social networks to listen, connect, and influence.
Build your brand value through social media
Toby Bloomberg, founder of Diva Marketing, shows you how to integrate social media into your brand promise and brand strategy. Your customers expect the opportunity to interact directly with you and the people behind your brand. But the voices of your customers and stakeholders can block traditional marketing messages. Understand the culture of the conversation and how to join in, while maintaining your brand and your individual authenticity.
Create Mobile Media with your Cell Phone
Get your cell phone off your ear and use it to create videos for news, public relations, and marketing campaigns. Video producer Amani Channel, founder of Visual Eye Media, and content manager at Public Broadcasting Atlanta, will show you creative new uses for that one piece of equipment you can’t live without.
How not to get ripped off by a traditional agency
James Harris, Elemental Interactive CEO and Chief Storyteller, reveals the art to picking an agency partner in a social media world. Do they really have the talent and the understanding to improve your online profile? How to get what you need and want, without overspending.
The iSchool Initiative
Travis Allen has a vision to use iPhone technology as a cost effective teaching tool in high schools. He’s using YouTube, Facebook, email marketing and other social media devices to build global public support for his idea, and start a grass roots movement to improve education. When he turned 18 last year, Travis registered his non-profit organization called the iSchool Initiative. Learn how this College Freshman is creating a social media campaign for a cause he believes in.
Social IRM: Best Practices for Managing Social Relationships
With blogger outreach becoming the norm – and new FTC guidelines that directly affect these efforts, marketers need to look closer at actually managing the relationships they have with online influencers – what we call Influencer Relationship Management (or IRM). Kristin Parrish, Digital Strategist from Ogilvy Public Relations, leads a discussion on the importance of the value exchange between influencer and marketer. She’ll offer recommendations and examples on the scalability of engagement and reach through IRM and best practices for communicating with online influencers.
Tactical approaches for marketing to Millennials through social media
21 year old Stephen Hom has written a new book about marketing to his generation…Gen Y. And yes, he does use Twitter. So does Rhonda Harper, of RTM&J Real Truth Marketing & Joy, who helps marketers figure out which social marketing strategies work best if you’re trying to get the attention of this group that is so attractive and so hard to reach.
Integrating Social Media with eMail Marketing
Building an effective email marketing campaign and integrating it with social media tools is an important mix in any small business’ marketing strategy. Some customers love to receive tweet, others live on Facebook and some are anti-social networking and only use email. Increase the awareness of your business and stay top-of-mind with your contacts by meeting them where they are…without duplicating your efforts. Pamela Adams, Regional Development Director for Constant Contact, helps small businesses, associations and non profits maximize the power of relationship marketing. If you are looking for an effective way to reach your market, this seminar will help you and your business!
Digital Entertainment and Social Media
Georgia’s new tax credit for film and game production companies is driving jobs and talent to the state. Social media is playing a central role by bringing people and companies together, and training workers to take advantage of new job opportunities. Selah Abrams of Turner Studios, and Asante Bradford, Digital Entertainment Liaison for the State Department of Economic Development, will talk about how companies can make the most of these opportunities, and what new media and web services may evolve.
Are You Crazy? Launching a Web Startup with 3 People, No Money and a Good Idea.
What does it take to create a web startup business from your home in your spare time and make it work? The Regator team has lived this for the past two years. Join them for a discussion covering what it takes to get a social media web startup off the ground and on the map. They will go into what it takes to build a site, the mistakes they’ve made and hard-earned advice that anyone thinking of creating a web startup should know.
B2B Social Media: Activity Needs to Drive Results
Just being online as a brand isn’t enough for businesses with social media. The social media landscape continues to morph in a better way for all departments to engage customers, competitors and the market. Jon Gatrell, V.P. of Product Management at Stonebranch, will show you how managing interactions requires processes and service level commitments that include all key constituents – customers, employees and investors. He will focus on how department leads can better implement a metric and process-based approach to show progress toward business goals and the effectiveness of your investment.
Measuring Social Media Marketing
It’s simply astounding how many social media marketing practitioners take the stance that you cannot measure the ROI of social media. It’s even more astounding that 84% of social media programs are not measured. Lance Weatherby, co-founder of Socialytics and a startup catalyst at the Advanced Technology Development Center (ATDC) at Georgia Tech, will share a case study on how ATDC measured the return on its social media marketing campaign during the relaunch of the ATDC service offering.
140 Character Lawsuits and How to Avoid Them
Everyone who uses Twitter, Facebook, Flickr and blogs should know the legal pitfalls and dangers. The laws in this space are so new it’s hard to keep up. But lawsuits are piling up. Before you get sued for libel or invasion of privacy, get some guidance from Professor Josh Azriel. He researches the issues surrounding social media, and will share the latest legal developments, and lessons from celebrity blogger Kim Kardashian and rock star Courtney Love.
The future of Mobile
Hold on to your smart phone. Mobile spending is expected to jump dramatically this year, as major companies tap into new ways to reach people on the move. Does this mean you should jump into mobile instead of other media? It may be cool, but will it work for you? What do people want on a handset? Susie Riordan of Definition 6 will help you dial into cross platform marketing and lead a discussion about where mobile is heading.
We Want Your Ideas: Which Of the Ideas Do You Like the Most? Got Any Better Ideas? We will build our program around your feedback.
Let us know at carnol27@kennesaw.edu