Kennesaw State University

Monthly Archives: December 2009

Media Lab ready for Video Boot Camp at SoCon10

We all have some sort of digital technology that we utilize on a daily basis.  It could be the camera on your cell, an audio recorder used in meetings, or the video feature on your digital camera.  Believe it or not, these are untapped resources in the PR, marketing,  or journalistic world!
I’ll be giving you the basics of [...]

Twitter: Police scanner for the digital world

Tweets from our neighbors at the Woodstock, Georgia Police Department:
Slow Down and Drive Safe. The Super Speeder law goes into effect Jan 1, 2010.  about 15 hours ago from web
12-27: Ofc. Whitley arrested a male on Creekwood Dr for DUI 11:40 AM Dec 27th from web
Every day a new police department or fire department is [...]

Twitter makes $25 million

Twitter is making money.  A lot of money. The microblogging site agreed to make tweets searchable by Google and Microsoft in separate partnership deals forged in October.  But now Bloomberg Business Week reveals the number:  Google will pay $15 million.  Microsoft, $10 million.

Mapping social networks

Want to know who’s talking and where? Check out the maps of online communities, web trends and social networks gathered at  They vividly show where Facebook dominates.  The U.S. has 220 million internet users, while China has 253 million.  Tuesday and Wednesday are the busiest on Twitter.   Here’s a sample.

Social media ends Dell Hell

Not too long ago Dell, the big maker of personal computers, was getting a barrage of angry complaints about customer service. Influential blogger Jeff Jarvis was writing about Dell Hell, and other social media experts around the world joined the fray.   
Dell executives started listening. More than 100 employees are now actively tweeting to 1.5 [...]

Internet Filtering in Australia

When one thinks of a government filtering internet content, he/she quickly thinks of China. The communist country has been the source of numerous studies that have shown its resolute determination to block websites that discuss human rights, border issues, and even social networking. According to Harvard’s Berkman Center for Internet and Society:
• Iran, [...]

The future of Social Media in 2010

Content measurement, relevance and quality are the key to the coming year.  There will be a surge in companies adopting social media platforms and demanding ROI.  Look for new geo-tagging applications to help people find each other on the move with their mobile devices. Read Write Web predicts 10 changes for 2010.   
Want to know [...]

Social Network Nightmares

Should there be a separation between our personal and professional lives or do these social networking sites provide an invaluable tool for employers to screen potential employees…?