Kennesaw State University

Tag Archives: social networking

Facebook fellowships

College students have a friend at Facebook.  The big social networking company has a new fellowship program.  Five doctoral students will get tuition and fees, along with a $30,000 stipend.  In exchange, they will help Facebook developers solve technology problems.  To qualify, you must be a Ph.D. candidate, studying fields like internet economics, cloud computing [...]

Twitter: Police scanner for the digital world

Tweets from our neighbors at the Woodstock, Georgia Police Department:
Slow Down and Drive Safe. The Super Speeder law goes into effect Jan 1, 2010.  about 15 hours ago from web
12-27: Ofc. Whitley arrested a male on Creekwood Dr for DUI 11:40 AM Dec 27th from web
Every day a new police department or fire department is [...]